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uberjar() - Method in class rife.bld.Project
Standard build command, creates an UberJar archive for the project.
uberjar() - Method in class rife.bld.WebProject
Standard build command, creates an UberJar archive for the web project.
uberJarFileName - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The filename to use for the uber jar archive creation.
uberJarFileName() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the filename to use for the uber jar archive creation.
UberJarHelp - Class in
Provides help for the uberjar command.
UberJarHelp() - Constructor for class
uberJarMainClass - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The main class to run the UberJar with.
uberJarMainClass() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns main class to run the UberJar with.
uberJarOperation() - Method in class rife.bld.Project
Retrieves the project's default uberjar operation.
UberJarOperation - Class in rife.bld.operations
Creates an uberjar archive of the provided jars and resources.
UberJarOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.operations.UberJarOperation
uncapitalize(String) - Static method in class
Ensure that the first character of the provided string is lower case.
UndefinedVirtualParameterException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
UndefinedVirtualParameterException(DbPreparedStatement, int) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.UndefinedVirtualParameterException
UndefinedVirtualParameterException(DbPreparedStatement, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.UndefinedVirtualParameterException
UNEXPECTED(String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ValidationError.UNEXPECTED
UNICODE - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.operations.JUnitOptions.Theme
union(String) - Method in class rife.database.queries.Select
union(String) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.CountQuery
union(String) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.RestoreQuery
union(Select) - Method in class rife.database.queries.Select
union(Select) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.CountQuery
union(Select) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.RestoreQuery
UNION - Static variable in class rife.database.queries.QueryParameterType
unionAll(String) - Method in class rife.database.queries.Select
unionAll(Select) - Method in class rife.database.queries.Select
unique(boolean) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
Set whether the property value has to be unique.
unique(String) - Method in class rife.database.queries.CreateTable
unique(String[]) - Method in class rife.database.queries.CreateTable
unique(String...) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedBean
unique(String, String) - Method in class rife.database.queries.CreateTable
unique(String, String[]) - Method in class rife.database.queries.CreateTable
UNIQUE - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedBean
UNIQUE - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
UniqueID - Class in
UniqueIDGenerator - Class in
Generates a 216 bit unique ID that is more secure than the standard 128 bit UUID, which has an effective 122 bits of entropy.
UNIQUENESS(String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ValidationError.UNIQUENESS
uniques(List<String[]>) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedBean
UNKNOWN - Static variable in record class rife.bld.dependencies.VersionNumber
Singleton to use when the version is not specified.
unlimitSubjectErrors(String) - Method in class rife.validation.MetaData
unlimitSubjectErrors(String) - Method in interface rife.validation.Validated
Unlimits the number of errors for a particular subject so that any number of ValidationErrors can be stored for it.
unlimitSubjectErrors(String) - Method in class rife.validation.Validation
unselectParameter(Template, String, String[]) - Method in class rife.forms.AbstractFormBuilder
unselectParameter(Template, String, String[]) - Method in interface rife.forms.FormBuilder
Removes the generated attributes that indicate that an existing form field is checked or selected
UnsupportedDriverNameException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
UnsupportedDriverNameException(String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.UnsupportedDriverNameException
UnsupportedJdbcDriverException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
UnsupportedJdbcDriverException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.UnsupportedJdbcDriverException
UnsupportedManyToManyPropertyTypeException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
UnsupportedManyToManyPropertyTypeException(Class, String, Class) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.UnsupportedManyToManyPropertyTypeException
UnsupportedManyToManyValueTypeException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
UnsupportedManyToManyValueTypeException(Class, String, Object) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.UnsupportedManyToManyValueTypeException
UnsupportedManyToOneAssociationPropertyTypeException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
UnsupportedManyToOneAssociationPropertyTypeException(Class, String, Class) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.UnsupportedManyToOneAssociationPropertyTypeException
UnsupportedManyToOneValueTypeException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
UnsupportedManyToOneValueTypeException(Class, String, Object) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.UnsupportedManyToOneValueTypeException
UnsupportedResourceProtocolException - Exception in rife.resources.exceptions
UnsupportedResourceProtocolException(String, String) - Constructor for exception rife.resources.exceptions.UnsupportedResourceProtocolException
UnsupportedSqlFeatureException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
UnsupportedSqlFeatureException(String, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.UnsupportedSqlFeatureException
UnsupportedVirtualParameterTypeException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
UnsupportedVirtualParameterTypeException(DbPreparedStatement, int, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.UnsupportedVirtualParameterTypeException
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
unzipFile(File, File) - Static method in class
Unzips a file from the source location to a destination.
update(BeanType) - Method in interface rife.database.querymanagers.generic.GenericQueryManager
Update an existing bean in the database.
update(T) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.GenericQueryManagerDelegate
Update - Class in rife.database.queries
Object representation of a SQL "UPDATE" query.
Update(Datasource) - Constructor for class rife.database.queries.Update
updateArray(int, Array) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateArray(String, Array) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateByte(int, byte) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateByte(String, byte) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateClob(int, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateClob(int, Clob) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateClob(String, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateClob(String, Clob) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updated() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.MetadataBuilder
Retrieves the updated timestamp for the metadata.
updated() - Method in record class rife.bld.publish.SnapshotVersion
Returns the value of the updated record component.
updated(BeanType) - Method in interface rife.database.querymanagers.generic.GenericQueryManagerListener
Executed when a bean was successfully updated.
updated(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.MetadataBuilder
Provides the updated timestamp for the metadata.
updateDate(int, Date) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateDate(String, Date) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateDouble(int, double) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateDouble(String, double) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateExtensions() - Method in class rife.bld.wrapper.WrapperExtensionResolver
updateFloat(int, float) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateFloat(String, float) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateInt(int, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateInt(String, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateLong(int, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateLong(String, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNClob(String, Reader) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNClob(String, NClob) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNString(int, String) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNString(String, String) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNull(int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateNull(String) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(int, Object) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, SQLType) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(String, Object) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, SQLType) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateRef(int, Ref) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateRef(String, Ref) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateResource(String, String) - Method in class rife.resources.MemoryResources
updateResource(String, String) - Method in interface rife.resources.ResourceWriter
Updates the content of the resource with the provided name.
updateRow() - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateRowId(String, RowId) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updates() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Standard build command, checks for updates of the project dependencies.
updates() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.UpdatesOperation
Retrieves the scoped dependencies with updates found after execution.
UpdatesHelp - Class in
Provides help for the updates command.
UpdatesHelp() - Constructor for class
updateShort(int, short) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateShort(String, short) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updatesOperation() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Retrieves the project's default updates operation.
UpdatesOperation - Class in rife.bld.operations
Determines which updates are available for provides dependencies.
UpdatesOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.operations.UpdatesOperation
updateSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateString(int, String) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateString(String, String) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateTime(int, Time) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateTime(String, Time) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
updateTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
upgrade() - Method in class rife.bld.Cli
The standard upgrade command.
UpgradeHelp - Class in
Provides help for the upgrade command.
UpgradeHelp() - Constructor for class
upgradeIdeaBldLibrary(File, String) - Method in class rife.bld.wrapper.Wrapper
Upgraded the IDEA bld files that were generated with a previous version.
upgradeModulePath(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Override location of upgradeable modules
upgradeModulePath(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavaOptions
List of directories, each directory is a directory of modules that replace upgradeable modules in the runtime image
upgradeModulePath(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavaOptions
List of directories, each directory is a directory of modules that replace upgradeable modules in the runtime image
UpgradeOperation - Class in rife.bld.operations
Upgrades the project's bld wrapper to the version of the running bld tool.
UpgradeOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.operations.UpgradeOperation
upgradeVscodeSettings(File, String) - Method in class rife.bld.wrapper.Wrapper
Upgraded the vscode settings files that were generated with a previous version.
UploadedFile - Class in rife.engine
An UploadedFile instance is created by the web engine when files are uploaded through a multipart request.
UploadedFile(String, String) - Constructor for class rife.engine.UploadedFile
Create a new instance.
UploadException - Exception in rife.bld.operations.exceptions
When thrown, indicates that something went wrong during upload
UploadException(String, int) - Constructor for exception rife.bld.operations.exceptions.UploadException
UploadException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rife.bld.operations.exceptions.UploadException
url() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishDeveloper
Retrieves the developer's URL.
url() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishInfo
Retrieves the project's URL.
url() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishLicense
Retrieves the license's URL.
url() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishScm
Retrieves the SCM's URL.
url(boolean) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
url(String) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishDeveloper
Provides the developer's URL.
url(String) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishInfo
Provides the project's URL.
url(String) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishLicense
Provides the license's URL.
url(String) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishScm
Provides the SCM's URL.
URL - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
URL_PATTERN - Static variable in class
use() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Create class and package usage pages
use(DirBuilder) - Method in interface
Executes the action on the specified DirBuilder instance.
use(FileBuilder) - Method in interface
Executes the action on the specified FileBuilder instance.
useConnection(DbConnection) - Method in class rife.database.DbConnectionUser
Should be implemented by all extending classes.
useInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class
Should be implemented by all extending classes.
useReader(Reader) - Method in class
Should be implemented by all extending classes.
useRife2Agent(VersionNumber) - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Includes the RIFE2 instrumentation agent as a runtime dependency, and activates it for run and test commands.
username() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.Repository
Returns the value of the username record component.
usesRife2Agent() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Indicates whether the RIFE2 instrumentation agent should be used.
useStream(String, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in class rife.resources.AbstractResourceFinder
useStream(String, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in class rife.resources.DatabaseResources
useStream(String, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in interface rife.resources.ResourceFinder
Returns a stream that can be used to read the contents of the resource that corresponds to the provided name.
useStream(URL, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in class rife.resources.MemoryResources
useStream(URL, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in interface rife.resources.ResourceFinder
Returns a stream that can be used to read the contents of the provided resource.
useStream(URL, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in class rife.resources.ResourceFinderClasspath
useStream(URL, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in class rife.resources.ResourceFinderDirectories
useStream(URL, InputStreamUser<ResultType, ?>) - Method in class rife.resources.ResourceFinderGroup
useTransaction() - Method in class rife.database.DbTransactionUser
Should be implemented by all extending classes.
useTransaction() - Method in class rife.database.DbTransactionUserWithoutResult
Has been implemented to return a null reference and delegate the logic to the useTransactionWithoutResult() method.
useTransaction() - Method in interface rife.database.TransactionUser
useTransaction() - Method in interface rife.database.TransactionUserWithoutResult
useTransactionWithoutResult() - Method in class rife.database.DbTransactionUserWithoutResult
Should be implemented by all extending classes.
USING - Static variable in class rife.database.queries.Select.JoinCondition
USING - Static variable in class rife.database.queries.Select
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form