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main(String[]) - Static method in class rife.bld.Cli
main(String[]) - Static method in class rife.bld.wrapper.Wrapper
Launches the wrapper.
main(String[]) - Static method in class rife.selector.NameSelectorOs
main(String[]) - Static method in class rife.template.TemplateDeployer
main(String[]) - Static method in class
mainClass - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The project's main class.
mainClass() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project's main class.
mainClass() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.AbstractProcessOperation
Retrieves the main class to launch with the java tool.
mainClass() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.UberJarOperation
Retrieves the main class to run from the uberjar archive.
mainClass(String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.AbstractProcessOperation
Provides the main class to launch with the java tool.
mainClass(String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.UberJarOperation
Provides the main class to run from the uberjar archive.
mainClass_ - Variable in class rife.bld.operations.AbstractProcessOperation
mainDeclaration(ManyToOneDeclaration) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.ManyToOneAssociationDeclaration
mainProperty(String) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.ManyToOneAssociationDeclaration
mainSourceDirectories() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.CompileOperation
Retrieves the list of main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectories(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.CompileOperation
Provides main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectories(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.CompileOperation
Provides a list of main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns all a list with all the main Java source files.
mainSourceFiles() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.CompileOperation
Retrieves the list of main files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.CompileOperation
Provides main files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.CompileOperation
Provides a list of main files that should be compiled.
mainType(Class) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.ManyToOneAssociationDeclaration
major() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.VersionNumber
Returns the value of the major record component.
majorInt() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.VersionNumber
Returns a primitive integer for the major version component.
makeConstrainedInstance(Object) - Static method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedUtils
makeErrorValid(String, String) - Method in class rife.validation.MetaData
makeErrorValid(String, String) - Method in interface rife.validation.Validated
Makes errors for a particular subject and identifier valid.
makeErrorValid(String, String) - Method in class rife.validation.Validation
makePropertyValue() - Method in class rife.ioc.PropertyValueList
Interprets the list of property values and make one new property value out of it.
makeSubjectValid(String) - Method in class rife.validation.MetaData
makeSubjectValid(String) - Method in interface rife.validation.Validated
Makes a subject valid.
makeSubjectValid(String) - Method in class rife.validation.Validation
MANAGER_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class rife.resources.DatabaseResourcesFactory
MANDATORY(String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ValidationError.MANDATORY
manifestAttribute(Attributes.Name, Object) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JarOperation
Provides an attribute to put in the jar manifest.
manifestAttributes() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JarOperation
Retrieves the map of attributes that will be put in the jar manifest.
manifestAttributes(Map<Attributes.Name, Object>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JarOperation
Provides a map of attributes to put in the jar manifest.
MANY_TO_MANY - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MANY_TO_MANY_ASSOCIATION - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MANY_TO_ONE - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MANY_TO_ONE_ASSOCIATION - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToMany() - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToMany(Class) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToMany(Class, CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToMany(CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
ManyToMany() - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToMany
ManyToMany(Class) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToMany
ManyToMany(Class, CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToMany
ManyToMany(CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToMany
manyToManyAssociation() - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToManyAssociation(Class, String) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToManyAssociation(String) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
ManyToManyAssociation() - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToManyAssociation(Class, String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToManyAssociation(String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToManyAssociation
ManyToManyDeclaration - Class in rife.database.querymanagers.generic
ManyToManyDeclaration() - Constructor for class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.ManyToManyDeclaration
manyToOne() - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOne(Class) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOne(Class, String) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOne(Class, String, CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOne(String, String) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOne(String, String, CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
ManyToOne() - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOne
ManyToOne(Class) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOne
ManyToOne(Class, String, CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOne
ManyToOne(String, String, CreateTable.ViolationAction, CreateTable.ViolationAction) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOne
manyToOneAssociation() - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOneAssociation(Class, String) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
manyToOneAssociation(String) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
ManyToOneAssociation() - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOneAssociation
ManyToOneAssociation(Class, String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOneAssociation
ManyToOneAssociation(String) - Constructor for class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty.ManyToOneAssociation
ManyToOneAssociationDeclaration - Class in rife.database.querymanagers.generic
ManyToOneAssociationDeclaration() - Constructor for class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.ManyToOneAssociationDeclaration
ManyToOneDeclaration - Class in rife.database.querymanagers.generic
ManyToOneDeclaration() - Constructor for class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.ManyToOneDeclaration
ManyToOneJoinColumnProcessor - Interface in rife.database.querymanagers.generic
marking() - Method in record class rife.datastructures.DocumentPosition
Returns the value of the marking record component.
matches(String, String) - Static method in class
matchesRegexp() - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MAVEN_CENTRAL - Static variable in record class rife.bld.dependencies.Repository
MAVEN_LOCAL - Static variable in record class rife.bld.dependencies.Repository
mavenCompilerSource() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishProperties
Retrieves the value of the 'maven.compiler.source' property.
mavenCompilerSource(Integer) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishProperties
Sets the value of the 'maven.compiler.source' property.
mavenCompilerTarget() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishProperties
Retrieves the value of the '' property.
mavenCompilerTarget(Integer) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishProperties
Sets the value of the '' property.
MavenMetadata - Interface in rife.bld.dependencies
Provides Maven metadata information
MAX_DATE - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
maxDate(Date) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
maximumHeapSize(int) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavaOptions
Set the maximum Java heap size in megabytes.
maxLength(int) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MD5 - Static variable in class
MD5HEX - Static variable in class
MD5HLO - Static variable in class
md5php(String) - Static method in class
MemoryResources - Class in rife.resources
This class offers ResourceFinder and ResourceWriter capabilities for resources that are stored in a memory.
MemoryResources() - Constructor for class rife.resources.MemoryResources
Creates a new instance.
mergeMetaDataIntoBytes(byte[], Class) - Static method in class rife.validation.instrument.MetaDataBytecodeTransformer
Performs the actual merging of the metadata class' functionalities into the bytes of the class that were provided.
META_DATA_SUFFIX - Static variable in class rife.validation.instrument.MetaDataInstrumenter
MetaData - Class in rife.validation
This abstract base class can be conveniently used to added Constrained and Validated metadata to a POJO.
MetaData() - Constructor for class rife.validation.MetaData
MetaDataBeanAware - Interface in rife.validation
This interface can optionally be implemented by a class implementing the MetaDataMerged interface.
MetadataBuilder - Class in rife.bld.publish
Provides the functionalities to build a Maven metadata xml file.
MetadataBuilder() - Constructor for class rife.bld.publish.MetadataBuilder
MetaDataBytecodeTransformer - Class in rife.validation.instrument
This utility class provides an entrance method to modify the bytecode of a class so that metadata from a sibling class is merged into the first class.
MetaDataBytecodeTransformer() - Constructor for class rife.validation.instrument.MetaDataBytecodeTransformer
MetaDataClass - Annotation Interface in rife.validation.annotations
Declares which class should be used for meta-data merging.
MetaDataClassAnnotationDetector - Class in rife.validation.instrument
Detects whether a class has the MetaDataClass class annotation by analyzing its byte code.
MetaDataClassAnnotationDetector() - Constructor for class rife.validation.instrument.MetaDataClassAnnotationDetector
MetaDataInstrumenter - Class in rife.validation.instrument
This is a bytecode instrumenter that will modify classes so that they receive the functionalities that are required to support meta-data merging.
MetaDataInstrumenter() - Constructor for class rife.validation.instrument.MetaDataInstrumenter
MetaDataMerged - Interface in rife.validation
This interface is merely a marker interface to indicate to RIFE2 that it should consider this class as a MetaData class whose interfaces will be automatically merged into the sibling class that it's augmenting.
MIDDLE_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface rife.forms.FormBuilder
A template block with an ATTRIBUTES middle part after the standard form field prefix, allows for dynamic custom attributes specifications for the form field generation.
Mime() - Constructor for class rife.config.RifeConfig.Mime
mimeType(MimeType) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
Sets the mime type of the property.
MimeType - Class in rife.cmf
This is a typed enumeration of all the mime types that the content management framework specifically knows about.
MIMETYPE - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MIN_DATE - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
minDate(Date) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
minLength(int) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
minor() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.VersionNumber
Returns the value of the minor record component.
minorInt() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.VersionNumber
Returns a primitive integer for the minor version component.
MISSING - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions.DocLinkOption
MissingDefaultConstructorException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
MissingDefaultConstructorException(Class, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.MissingDefaultConstructorException
MissingManyToManyTypeInformationException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
MissingManyToManyTypeInformationException(Class, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.MissingManyToManyTypeInformationException
MissingManyToOneAssociationTypeInformationException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
MissingManyToOneAssociationTypeInformationException(Class, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.MissingManyToOneAssociationTypeInformationException
MissingManyToOneColumnException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
MissingManyToOneColumnException(Class, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.MissingManyToOneColumnException
MissingManyToOneMainPropertyException - Exception in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions
MissingManyToOneMainPropertyException(Class, String, Class) - Constructor for exception rife.database.querymanagers.generic.exceptions.MissingManyToOneMainPropertyException
MissingManyToOneTableException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
MissingManyToOneTableException(Class, String) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.MissingManyToOneTableException
MissingMarkingBlockException - Exception in rife.validation.exceptions
MissingMarkingBlockException(String) - Constructor for exception rife.validation.exceptions.MissingMarkingBlockException
MissingPreferencesUserNodeException - Exception in rife.config.exceptions
MissingPreferencesUserNodeException() - Constructor for exception rife.config.exceptions.MissingPreferencesUserNodeException
MissingResultsException - Exception in rife.database.exceptions
MissingResultsException(Datasource) - Constructor for exception rife.database.exceptions.MissingResultsException
MissingXmlFileException - Exception in rife.config.exceptions
MissingXmlFileException() - Constructor for exception rife.config.exceptions.MissingXmlFileException
MIXED - Static variable in class
ModificationTimeClasspath - Class in rife.resources
ModificationTimeClasspath() - Constructor for class rife.resources.ModificationTimeClasspath
ModificationTimeErrorException - Exception in rife.config.exceptions
ModificationTimeErrorException - Exception in rife.template.exceptions
ModificationTimeErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rife.template.exceptions.ModificationTimeErrorException
ModificationTimeErrorException(String, ResourceFinderErrorException) - Constructor for exception rife.config.exceptions.ModificationTimeErrorException
module(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Compile only the specified module(s), check timestamps
module(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Document the specified module(s)
module(List<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Compile only the specified module(s), check timestamps
module(List<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Document the specified module(s)
MODULE - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.operations.JavaOptions.Verbose
modulePath(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Specify where to find application modules
modulePath(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Specify where to find application modules
modulePath(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavaOptions
A list of directories, each directory is a directory of modules.
modulePath(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Specify where to find application modules
modulePath(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Specify where to find application modules
modulePath(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavaOptions
A list of directories, each directory is a directory of modules.
moduleSourcePath(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Specify where to find input source files for multiple modules
moduleSourcePath(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Specify where to find input source files for multiple modules
moduleVersion(String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Specify version of modules that are being compiled
moment() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PublishOperation
Retrieves the moment of publication.
moment(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PublishOperation
Provides the moment of publication.
move(Path) - Method in class
Moves the specified source file to the file of this FileBuilder.
moveDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class
Moves the source directory to the target location.
moveFile(File, File) - Static method in class
Moves the source file to the target location.
moveToCurrentRow() - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
moveToInsertRow() - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form