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language_ - Variable in class rife.template.AbstractTemplate
last() - Method in class rife.database.DbResultSet
latestVersion() - Method in class rife.bld.dependencies.DependencyResolver
Retrieves the latest version of the resolved dependency.
LAZY_LOADED_VAR_NAME - Static variable in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.instrument.LazyLoadAccessorsBytecodeTransformer
The name of the synthetic class field that will be added so that already restored lazy relations can be cached.
LazyLoadAccessorsBytecodeTransformer - Class in rife.database.querymanagers.generic.instrument
This utility class will modify property accessors of classes that implement the Constrained interface and add lazy loading for properties with manyToOne constraints.
LazyLoadAccessorsBytecodeTransformer() - Constructor for class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.instrument.LazyLoadAccessorsBytecodeTransformer
LEFT - Static variable in class rife.database.queries.Select.JoinType
LEFT - Static variable in class rife.database.queries.Select
length() - Method in class rife.template.ExternalValue
length() - Method in class rife.template.InternalString
length() - Method in class
LETTERS_ONLY - Static variable in class
libBldDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the lib/bld directory relative to BaseProject.workDirectory().
libCompileDirectory - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The compile scope lib directory.
libCompileDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project compile scope lib directory.
libCompileDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Retrieves the compile scope download directory.
libCompileDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Retrieves the compile scope purge directory.
libCompileDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Provides the compile scope download directory.
libCompileDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Provides the compile scope purge directory.
libDirectory - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The lib directory.
libDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project lib directory.
LibProjectBlueprint - Class in rife.bld.blueprints
Provides the dependency information required to create a new lib project.
LibProjectBlueprint(File, String, String) - Constructor for class rife.bld.blueprints.LibProjectBlueprint
LibProjectBlueprint(File, String, String, VersionNumber) - Constructor for class rife.bld.blueprints.LibProjectBlueprint
libProvidedDirectory - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The provided scope lib directory.
libProvidedDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project provided scope lib directory.
libProvidedDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Retrieves the provided scope download directory.
libProvidedDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Retrieves the provided scope purge directory.
libProvidedDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Provides the provided scope download directory.
libProvidedDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Provides the provided scope purge directory.
libRuntimeDirectory - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The runtime scope lib directory.
libRuntimeDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project runtime scope lib directory.
libRuntimeDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Retrieves the runtime scope download directory.
libRuntimeDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Retrieves the runtime scope purge directory.
libRuntimeDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Provides the runtime scope download directory.
libRuntimeDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Provides the runtime scope purge directory.
libSourceDirectories() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.WarOperation
Retrieves the lib source directories that will be used for the war archive creation.
libSourceDirectories(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.WarOperation
Provides lib source directories that will be used for the war archive creation.
libSourceDirectories(List<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.WarOperation
Provides a list of lib source directories that will be used for the war archive creation.
libStandaloneDirectory - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The standalone scope lib directory.
libStandaloneDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project standalone scope lib directory.
libStandaloneDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Retrieves the standalone scope download directory.
libStandaloneDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Retrieves the standalone scope purge directory.
libStandaloneDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.WebProject
libStandaloneDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Provides the standalone scope download directory.
libStandaloneDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Provides the standalone scope purge directory.
libTestDirectory - Variable in class rife.bld.BaseProject
The standalone scope lib directory.
libTestDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Returns the project test scope lib directory.
libTestDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Retrieves the test scope download directory.
libTestDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Retrieves the test scope purge directory.
libTestDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.DownloadOperation
Provides the test scope download directory.
libTestDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.PurgeOperation
Provides the test scope purge directory.
license(PublishLicense) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishInfo
Adds a project license.
licenses() - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishInfo
Retrieves the project's licenses.
licenses(List<PublishLicense>) - Method in class rife.bld.publish.PublishInfo
Provides project licenses.
LightweightError - Error in
An error that is intended to be as lightweight as possible.
LightweightError() - Constructor for error
LightweightError(String) - Constructor for error
LightweightError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error
LightweightError(Throwable) - Constructor for error
limit(int) - Method in class rife.database.queries.Select
limit(int) - Method in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.RestoreQuery
LIMIT - Static variable in class rife.database.queries.QueryParameterType
limitModules(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Limit the universe of observable modules
limitModules(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Limit the universe of observable modules
limitModules(List<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions
Limit the universe of observable modules
limitModules(List<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Limit the universe of observable modules
limitParameter(String) - Method in class rife.database.queries.Select
limitSubjectErrors(String) - Method in class rife.validation.MetaData
limitSubjectErrors(String) - Method in interface rife.validation.Validated
Limits the number of errors for a particular subject so that maximum one ValidationError can be stored for it.
limitSubjectErrors(String) - Method in class rife.validation.Validation
line() - Method in record class rife.datastructures.DocumentPosition
Returns the value of the line record component.
lineContent() - Method in record class rife.datastructures.DocumentPosition
Returns the value of the lineContent record component.
LINES - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.operations.JavacOptions.DebuggingInfo
link(String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Create links to javadoc output at url
linkOffline(String, String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Link to docs at url1 using package list at url2
linkPlatformProperties(String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Link to platform documentation URLs declared in properties file at url
linkSource() - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Generate source in HTML
listed(boolean) - Method in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
Sets whether the property should be included in data lists.
LISTED - Static variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
listeners_ - Variable in class rife.database.querymanagers.generic.AbstractGenericQueryManager
listeners_ - Variable in class rife.validation.ConstrainedProperty
listVersions() - Method in class rife.bld.dependencies.DependencyResolver
Retrieves all the versions of the resolved dependency.
local(String) - Method in class rife.bld.BaseProject
Creates a local dependency instance.
LOCAL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class rife.bld.BuildExecutor
localDependencies() - Method in class rife.bld.dependencies.DependencySet
Retrieves the local dependencies.
LocalDependency - Record Class in rife.bld.dependencies
Contains the information required to describe a local dependency for the build system.
LocalDependency(String) - Constructor for record class rife.bld.dependencies.LocalDependency
Creates an instance of a LocalDependency record class.
locale(String) - Method in class rife.bld.operations.JavadocOptions
Locale to be used, e.g.
Localization - Class in
Localization() - Constructor for class
LocalizedString - Class in
This class makes it possible to always keep a localized string up-to-date.
LocalizedString(String) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new LocalizedString instance.
location() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.Repository
Returns the value of the location record component.
location() - Method in record class rife.bld.dependencies.RepositoryArtifact
Returns the value of the location record component.
LoggingErrorRedirector - Class in rife.xml
LoggingErrorRedirector() - Constructor for class rife.xml.LoggingErrorRedirector
LONG_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form