All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract convenience class that provides a positive no-op implementation of all the methods of the Callbacks interface.
Provides the baseline foundation for creating a project structure.
Provides common features across all operations
Abstract operation that starts a Java application as a separate process.
This abstract class offers common implementations of several ResourceFinder methods.
AbstractWhereGroup<ParentType extends rife.database.queries.WhereQuery>
Provides the dependency information required to create a new app project.
General purpose class containing common array manipulation methods.
Retrieves artifact data.
Provides the base configuration and commands of a Java project for the build system.
Provides the dependency information required to create a new base project.
This interface can be implemented to use with the GenericQueryManager.restore(BeanFetcher) method.
Handles the process of setting values in a template based on a Java bean instance.
Utility class providing methods for working with Java beans.
Enum used to specify which accessors to consider when retrieving a bean's properties.
Singleton class that provides access to the current bld version as a string.
Declares a BuildExecutor method to be used as a build command.
Base class that executes build commands from a list of arguments.
Callbacks are hooks that are being called when beans are manipulated through the GenericQueryManager or other query managers that are based on it.
Callbacks can either be implemented directly by implementing the Callbacks interface, or they can be provided by implementing this interface.
Utility class to load the bytes of class files.
This exception is thrown and when the bytecode for a class couldn't be found.
The ClassUtils class provides useful utility methods for working with Java classes.
Provides help for the clean command.
Cleans by deleting a list of directories and all their contents.
Implements the CLI build executor that is available when running the bld jar as an executable jar.
Defines the logic for a build command.
Interface that provides help texts to display about BuildExecutor commands.
Provides help for the compile command.
Compiles main and test sources in the relevant build directories.
The Config class manages the configuration of parameters and lists.
This is a class designed for database connection pooling.
This interface defines methods for bean-centric constraining of data entities.
A ConstrainedBean object makes it possible to define all constraints for a bean instance that are not related to a single property.
Detects whether a class implements the Constrained interface or not, by analyzing its bytecode.
A ConstrainedProperty object makes it possible to easily define all constraints for a named property of a bean.
Listeners that implement this interface will be notified when changes occur to the ConstrainedProperty instances that it has been added to.
This interface defines the API that has to be implemented by classes that are capable of transforming content data after it's initially loaded.
This is a marker interface to make it possible to throw runtime exceptions that have to be treated as expected and 'positive'.
General purpose class providing methods to convert between data types.
Singleton class that provides access to the current core version as a string.
Provides help for the create-app command.
Creates a new app project structure.
Provides help for the create-base command.
Creates a new base project structure.
Provides help for the create command.
Provides help for the create-lib command.
Creates a new lib project structure.
Creates a new project structure
Provides help for the create-rife2 command.
Creates a new RIFE2 project structure.
Object representation of a SQL "CREATE SEQUENCE" query.
Object representation of a SQL "CREATE TABLE" query.
This class offers ResourceFinder and ResourceWriter capabilities for resources that are stored in a database.
Contains all the information required to connect to a database and centralizes the creation of connections to a database.
Contains a collection of Datasource instances.
This class allows a ResultSet to be easily processed into bean instance.
Represents one connection to a database.
Provides a wrapper around the regular JDBC PreparedStatement class.
By extending this class it's possible to easily customize the behaviour of a large number of methods in the DbQueryManager class.
This is a convenience class to make it easy to control the queries that handle the retrieval, storage, update and removal of data in a database.
This class is a simple cache for DbQueryManager objects.
This class allows for DbQueryManagers to be created more dynamically and with more features than by direct instantiation.
By extending this class it's possible to easily customize the behaviour of some methods in the DbQueryManager class.
This abstract base class should be used to implement classes that process one row in a database query result set.
Provides a wrapper around the regular JDBC Statement class.
By extending this class it's possible to provide the logic that should be executed by the inTransaction method in the DbQueryManager class.
Convenience class that offers the same facilities as the DbTransactionUser class, but makes it easier to work with transactions that don't return any results.
Object representation of a SQL "DELETE" query.
Contains the information required to describe an url dependency in the build system.
Contains the information to describe a dependency exclusion.
Resolves a dependency within a list of Maven-compatible repositories.
Convenience class to map a Scope to its dependencies.
Convenience class to handle a set of Dependency objects.
Provides help for the dependency tree command.
Transitively generates a hierarchical tree of dependencies.
Functional interface that captures an action to execute on a DirBuilder instance.
Directory and file structure builder, using a fluent API and lambdas to convey the hierarchical structure of on the filesystem in code.
Provides help for the download command.
Transitively downloads all the artifacts for dependencies into directories that are separated out by scope.
Object representation of a SQL "DROP SEQUENCE" query.
Object representation of a SQL "DROP TABLE" query.
Java implementation of the Drupal 7 password hashing algorithm.
The purpose of this abstract base class is to allow the creation of type-safe enumerations.
Convenience class to handle a set of DependencyExclusion objects.
When thrown, indicates that the exit status has changed due to the operation execution.
Functional interface that captures an action to execute on a FileBuilder instance.
Directory and file structure builder, using a fluent API and lambdas to convey the hierarchical structure of on the filesystem in code.
A utility class for handling files.
This interface defines the methods for bean-centric form generation.
A GenericQueryManager provides features that make it easy to persist and retrieve beans in a database with single method calls.
The methods of a GenericQueryManagerListener will be executed as the corresponding actions are successfully executed through the GenericQueryManager that this listener is registered with.
Utility class to provide many-to-many and many-to-one relational capabilities to generic query manager implementations.
Provides help for the help command.
Provides help about the build system commands.
This class allows the creation of a hierarchical tree of named PropertyValue instances.
By extending this class it's possible to provide the logic that should be executed by methods that allow interaction with an InputStream.
Object representation of a SQL "INSERT" query.
An anonymous value inside a template, which is not referenced anywhere in the template, but can be used to produce intermediate strings using the template engine.
Provides help for the jar command.
Provides help for the jar-javadoc command.
Creates a jar archive of the provided sources and directories.
Provides help for the jar-sources command.
Options for the standard javac tool.
Provides help for the javadoc command.
Generates javadocs for the main project sources.
Options for the standard javadoc tool.
Options for the standard java tool.
Utility class to obtain information about the currently running Java specification.
Provides help for the JUnit test command.
Tests a Java application with JUnit.
Options for JUnit 5.
This utility class will modify property accessors of classes that implement the Constrained interface and add lazy loading for properties with manyToOne constraints.
Provides the dependency information required to create a new lib project.
An error that is intended to be as lightweight as possible.
Contains the information required to describe a local dependency for the build system.
This class makes it possible to always keep a localized string up-to-date.
Provides Maven metadata information
This class offers ResourceFinder and ResourceWriter capabilities for resources that are stored in a memory.
This abstract base class can be conveniently used to added Constrained and Validated metadata to a POJO.
This interface can optionally be implemented by a class implementing the MetaDataMerged interface.
Provides the functionalities to build a Maven metadata xml file.
This utility class provides an entrance method to modify the bytecode of a class so that metadata from a sibling class is merged into the first class.
Declares which class should be used for meta-data merging.
Detects whether a class has the MetaDataClass class annotation by analyzing its byte code.
This is a bytecode instrumenter that will modify classes so that they receive the functionalities that are required to support meta-data merging.
This interface is merely a marker interface to indicate to RIFE2 that it should consider this class as a MetaData class whose interfaces will be automatically merged into the sibling class that it's augmenting.
This is a typed enumeration of all the mime types that the content management framework specifically knows about.
Combines the information of a filesystem file with the name it's intended to have.
Selects a name according to the current hostname.
Selects a name according to the current operating system.
Selects a name according to the rife.application application property.
Selects a name according to the current user.
General purpose class containing common Object manipulation methods.
When thrown, indicates that wrong options were provided to the operation.
Provides the functionalities to build a Maven POM xml file.
Contains the information required to describe a dependency with all the details stored in a Maven POM descriptor.
Provides help for the precompile command.
Pre-compiles RIFE2 templates.
By implementing this class it's possible to easily customize the behaviour of a large number of methods in the DbQueryManager class.
Provides the configuration and commands of a Java project for the build system with all standard commands ready to go.
This abstract class extends the AbstractValidationRule class to provide common functionality that is useful for all bean property validation rules.
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented by classes that are able to provide values to properties.
An ordered list of property values.
Holds a single static object property value that doesn't change at runtime.
Retrieves a property value as template instance of a particular type.
Contains the information about an artifact that will be published.
Describes a developer in PublishInfo.
Provides help for the publish command.
Provides the information to perform a publish operation.
Describes a license in PublishInfo.
Provides help for the publish-local command.
Published artifacts to a Maven repository.
Provides the properties information for publication.
Describes an SCM in PublishInfo.
Provides help for the publish web command.
Provides help for the purge command.
Transitively checks all the artifacts for dependencies in the directories that are separated out by scope, any files that aren't required will be deleted.
By extending this class it's possible to provide the logic that should be executed by methods that allow interaction with a Reader.
An instance of ReadQueryString can contain any kind of SQL query for read purposes.
An instance of ReadQueryTemplate will obtain a SQL from a Template block.
Contains the information required to locate a Maven-compatible repository.
Represents an artifact location in a repository.
This interface defines the methods that classes with ResourceFinder functionalities have to implement.
This class offers ResourceFinder capabilities for resources that are available through the classloader.
This class offers ResourceFinder capabilities for resources that are available through a collection of directories.
Allows a group of resource finders to acts as if they are one single resource finders.
This interface defines the methods that classes with ResourceWriter functionalities have to implement.
Provides the dependency information required to create a new RIFE2 project.
Provides configuration over RIFE2 itself.
This interface can be implemented to process one row in a database query result set.
Provides help for the run command.
Runs a Java application.
Provides all the dependency scopes that are supported by the bld build system.
Object representation of a SQL "SELECT" query.
Standard formatter to convert serializable objects to and from strings.
When thrown, indicates that something went wrong during signing
Contains the information to describe a particular artifact in a snapshot version.
General purpose class containing common String manipulation methods.
A template is used to construct, manipulate and produce text content.
Encodes Strings into a corresponding template output format, so they will be displayed correctly in the resulting file.
Factory for creating RIFE2 template instances.
Allows template types to be specified for pre-compilation.
Provides help for the test command.
Tests a Java application.
Utility class providing the necessary functions to build 2FA using a time-based OTP algorithm
Provides help for the uberjar command.
Creates an uberjar archive of the provided jars and resources.
Generates a 216 bit unique ID that is more secure than the standard 128 bit UUID, which has an effective 122 bits of entropy.
Object representation of a SQL "UPDATE" query.
Provides help for the updates command.
Determines which updates are available for provides dependencies.
Provides help for the upgrade command.
Upgrades the project's bld wrapper to the version of the running bld tool.
An UploadedFile instance is created by the web engine when files are uploaded through a multipart request.
When thrown, indicates that something went wrong during upload
This interface defines methods for bean-centric data validation.
This interface has to be implemented by all classes that provide a context in which Validated bean instances can be validated.
Instances of this class detail subjects that were found invalid during validation.
An object which can render content for a value in a template.
Provides help for the version command.
Contains the information required to describe a dependency version number.
Outputs the version of the build system.
Internal class to handle virtual parameters of a DbPreparedStatement.
Internal interface that defines the methods that a VirtualParameters handler has to support.
This is an internal exception that is used whenever the bytecode of a class is being visited and the analysis has to be interrupted in the middle.
Provides help for the war command.
Creates a war archive.
Provides the configuration and commands of a Java web project for the build system.
WhereGroup<ParentType extends rife.database.queries.WhereQuery>
WhereGroupAnd<ParentType extends rife.database.queries.WhereQuery>
WhereGroupOr<ParentType extends rife.database.queries.WhereQuery>
Wrapper implementation for the build system that ensures the bld jar gets downloaded locally and that the classpath for running the build logic is properly setup.
Resolves, downloads and purges the bld extension dependencies.
Parses an XML document to generate MavenMetadata, this is an internal class.