Package rife.database

Class DbPreparedStatementHandler<DataType>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, PreparedStatementHandler

public abstract class DbPreparedStatementHandler<DataType> extends DbResultSetHandler implements PreparedStatementHandler
By extending this class it's possible to easily customize the behaviour of a large number of methods in the DbQueryManager class.

You're able to set the parameters of a DbPreparedStatement before the actual execution of any logic by overriding the setParameters method.

If you need to customize the entire query execution, you can override the performUpdate and performQuery methods. Note that these methods are actually responsible for calling the setParameters method, so if you override them you either have to call this method yourself or include the code in the overridden method.

This class has both a default constructor and one that can take a data object. This can be handy when using it as an extending anonymous inner class when you need to use variables inside the inner class that are cumbersome to change to final in the enclosing class.

See Also: