Package rife.test

package rife.test
Provides classes and interfaces for the out-of-container testing framework.
  • Classes
    Simulates a conversation between a web browser and a servlet container.
    Wraps a Cookie by tracking the creation time and allowing max-age expiration to be evaluated.
    An instance of this class provides all the data that is needed to simulate a file upload.
    Corresponds to a form in an HTML document after it has been parsed with ParsedHtml.parse(rife.test.MockResponse).
    Corresponds to a link in an HTML document after it has been parsed with ParsedHtml.parse(rife.test.MockResponse).
    Provides a Request implementation that is suitable for testing a web application outside a servlet container.
    Provides a Response implementation that is suitable for testing a web application outside a servlet container.
    Retrieves the text content of a MockResponse and parses it as HTML.