Package rife.template

Interface TemplateEncoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
EncoderDummy, EncoderHtml, EncoderJson, EncoderSql, EncoderXml

public interface TemplateEncoder
Encodes Strings into a corresponding template output format, so they will be displayed correctly in the resulting file. For example, a TemplateEncoder for a template file will encode > as &gt.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    encode(String value)
    Encodes the given value, returning a string which contains only valid characters and represents the given value correctly in the output format.
    Encodes the given value in a looser fashion than encode(java.lang.String)'s, only converting patterns which are explicitly not allowed by the output format, but not guaranteeing that the output value exactly represents the given value in the output format.
  • Method Details

    • encode

      String encode(String value)
      Encodes the given value, returning a string which contains only valid characters and represents the given value correctly in the output format.

      For example, an HTML template's encoder will encode > as >.

      value - a string
      an encoded version of the given string
    • encodeDefensive

      String encodeDefensive(String value)
      Encodes the given value in a looser fashion than encode(java.lang.String)'s, only converting patterns which are explicitly not allowed by the output format, but not guaranteeing that the output value exactly represents the given value in the output format.

      For example, an HTML template's encoder will encode some Unicode characters to corresponding XML entities (such as é) when this method is called but not encode < or &.

      value - a string
      a loosely encoded version of the given value