All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- abbreviate(String, int, String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Abbreviates a
to the given length using a replacement marker. - Abbreviate - Class in rife.render
Abbreviates a template value with ellipses.
- Abbreviate() - Constructor for class rife.render.Abbreviate
- beatTime(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Returns the Swatch Internet (.beat) Time for the give date-time.
- BeatTime - Class in rife.render
Renders the current time in Swatch Internet (.beat) Time format.
- BeatTime() - Constructor for class rife.render.BeatTime
- Capitalize - Class in rife.render
Capitalizes a template value.
- Capitalize() - Constructor for class rife.render.Capitalize
- capitalizeWords(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Returns a
with the first letter of each word capitalized. - CapitalizeWords - Class in rife.render
Capitalizes words of a template value.
- CapitalizeWords() - Constructor for class rife.render.CapitalizeWords
- DateIso - Class in rife.render
Renders the current date in ISO 8601 format.
- DateIso() - Constructor for class rife.render.DateIso
- DateTimeIso - Class in rife.render
Renders the current date and time in ISO 8601 format.
- DateTimeIso() - Constructor for class rife.render.DateTimeIso
- DateTimeRfc2822 - Class in rife.render
Renders the current date and time in RFC 2822 format.
- DateTimeRfc2822() - Constructor for class rife.render.DateTimeRfc2822
- encode(String, Properties) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Encodes the source
to the specified encoding. - EncodeBase64 - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to Base64.
- EncodeBase64() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeBase64
- EncodeHtml - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to HTML.
- EncodeHtml() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeHtml
- EncodeHtmlEntities - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to HTML decimal entities
- EncodeHtmlEntities() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeHtmlEntities
- encodeJs(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Encodes a
to JavaScript/ECMAScript. - EncodeJs - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to JavaScript/ECMAScript.
- EncodeJs() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeJs
- EncodeJson - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to JSON.
- EncodeJson() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeJson
- EncodeUnicode - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to Unicode escape codes.
- EncodeUnicode() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeUnicode
- EncodeUrl - Class in rife.render
URL-encodes a template value.
- EncodeUrl() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeUrl
- EncodeXml - Class in rife.render
Encodes a template value to XML.
- EncodeXml() - Constructor for class rife.render.EncodeXml
- ENCODING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class rife.render.RenderUtils
The encoding property.
- fetchUrl(String, String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Fetches the content (body) of a URL.
- formatCreditCard(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Returns the last 4 digits a credit card number.
- FormatCreditCard - Class in rife.render
Formats a template credit card number value to the last 4 digits.
- FormatCreditCard() - Constructor for class rife.render.FormatCreditCard
- htmlEntities(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Converts a text
to HTML decimal entities.
- ISO_8601_DATE_FORMATTER - Static variable in class rife.render.RenderUtils
ISO 8601 date formatter.
- ISO_8601_FORMATTER - Static variable in class rife.render.RenderUtils
ISO 8601 date and time formatter.
- ISO_8601_TIME_FORMATTER - Static variable in class rife.render.RenderUtils
ISO 8601 time formatter.
- ISO_8601_YEAR_FORMATTER - Static variable in class rife.render.RenderUtils
ISO 8601 Year formatter.
- Lowercase - Class in rife.render
Converts a template value to lowercase.
- Lowercase() - Constructor for class rife.render.Lowercase
- mask(String, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Masks characters in a String.
- Mask - Class in rife.render
Masks characters of a template value.
- Mask() - Constructor for class rife.render.Mask
- normalize(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Normalizes a
for inclusion in a URL path. - Normalize - Class in rife.render
Normalizes a template value for inclusion in a URL path.
- Normalize() - Constructor for class rife.render.Normalize
- parsePropertiesString(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Returns a new
containing the properties specified in the givenString
. - plural(long, String, String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Returns the plural form of a word, if count > 1.
- qrCode(String, String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Generates an SVG QR Code from the given
using - QrCode - Class in rife.render
Generates an SVG QR Code for a template value using
- QrCode() - Constructor for class rife.render.QrCode
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Abbreviate
Returns the template value abbreviated with ellipses.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.BeatTime
Returns the current time in Swatch Internet (.beat) Time format.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Capitalize
Returns the template value by capitalizing it.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.CapitalizeWords
Returns the template value by capitalizing it.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.DateIso
Returns the current date in ISO 8601 format, encoded according to the template's encoding rules.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.DateTimeIso
Renders the current date and time in ISO 8601 format.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.DateTimeRfc2822
Returns the current date and time in RFC 2822 format.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeBase64
Returns the template value encoded to Base64.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeHtml
Returns the template value encoded to HTML.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeHtmlEntities
Returns the template value encoded to HTML decimal entities.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeJs
Returns the template value encoded to JavaScript/ECMAScript.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeJson
Returns the template value encoded to JSON.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeUnicode
Returns the template value encoded to Unicode escape codes.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeUrl
Returns the template value encoded to URL.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.EncodeXml
Returns the template value encoded to XML.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.FormatCreditCard
Returns the last 4 digits of the template credit number value.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Lowercase
Returns the template value converted to lowercase.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Mask
Renders a template value with characters of the value masked using the specified mask.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Normalize
Returns the template value normalized for inclusion in a URL path.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.QrCode
Returns the template value encoded as an SVG QR Code.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Rot13
Returns the template value translated to/from ROT13.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.ShortenUrl
Returns the template value shortened using is.gid.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.SwapCase
Returns the template value with swapped case.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.TimeIso
Returns the current time in ISO 8601 format.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Trim
Renders the template value by removing leading and trailing whitespace.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Uncapitalize
Returns the un-capitalized template value.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Uppercase
Returns the template value converted to uppercase.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Uptime
Renders the server uptime.
- render(Template, String, String) - Method in class rife.render.Year
Renders the current year.
- RenderUtils - Class in rife.render
Collection of utility-type methods commonly used by the renderers.
- RFC_2822_FORMATTER - Static variable in class rife.render.RenderUtils
RFC 2822 date and time formatter.
- rife.render - package rife.render
- rot13(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Translates a
to/from ROT13. - Rot13 - Class in rife.render
Translates a template value to/from ROT13.
- Rot13() - Constructor for class rife.render.Rot13
- shortenUrl(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Shortens a URL using is.gid.
- ShortenUrl - Class in rife.render
Shortens a template value using is.gid.
- ShortenUrl() - Constructor for class rife.render.ShortenUrl
- swapCase(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Swaps the case of a String.
- SwapCase - Class in rife.render
Swaps case of a template value.
- SwapCase() - Constructor for class rife.render.SwapCase
- TimeIso - Class in rife.render
Renders the current time in ISO 8601 format.
- TimeIso() - Constructor for class rife.render.TimeIso
- Trim - Class in rife.render
Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a template value.
- Trim() - Constructor for class rife.render.Trim
- Uncapitalize - Class in rife.render
Un-capitalizes a template value.
- Uncapitalize() - Constructor for class rife.render.Uncapitalize
- Uppercase - Class in rife.render
Converts a template value to uppercase.
- Uppercase() - Constructor for class rife.render.Uppercase
- uptime(long, Properties) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Returns the formatted server uptime.
- Uptime - Class in rife.render
Renders the server uptime.
- Uptime() - Constructor for class rife.render.Uptime
- validateCreditCard(String) - Static method in class rife.render.RenderUtils
Validates a credit card number using the Luhn algorithm.
- Year - Class in rife.render
Renders the current year.
- Year() - Constructor for class rife.render.Year
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values