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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


advancedOptions() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves advanced compiler options.
advancedOptions(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify advanced compiler options.
advancedOptions(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify advanced compiler options.
ALL_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
ALL_UNNAMED - Static variable in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions
Keyword to enable native access for all code on the class path.
ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions.NativeAccess
apiVersion() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the version of Kotlin bundled libraries.
apiVersion(int) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Allow using declarations only from the specified version of Kotlin bundled libraries.
apiVersion(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Allow using declarations only from the specified version of Kotlin bundled libraries.
argFile() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the files containing compiler options.
argFile(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Read the compiler options from the given files.
argFile(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Read the compiler options from the given files.
argFile(Path...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Read the compiler options from the given files.
argFile(Collection<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Read the compiler options from the given files.
argFilePaths(Collection<Path>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Read the compiler options from the given files.
argFileStrings(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Read the compiler options from the given files.
args() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Returns the formatted arguments.
ASSIGNMENT - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin


buildMainDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the main build destination directory.
buildMainDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main build destination directory.
buildMainDirectory(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main build destination directory.
buildMainDirectory(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main build destination directory.
buildTestDirectory() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the test build destination directory.
buildTestDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test build destination directory.
buildTestDirectory(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test build destination directory.
buildTestDirectory(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test build destination directory.


classpath() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the class files classpath.
classpath(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Search for class files in the specified paths.
classpath(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Search for class files in the specified paths.
classpath(Path...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Search for class files in the specified paths.
classpath(Collection<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Search for class files in the specified paths.
classpathPaths(Collection<Path>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Search for class files in the specified paths.
classpathStrings(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Search for class files in the specified paths.
CompileKotlinOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Compiles main and test Kotlin sources in the relevant build directories.
CompileKotlinOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
compileMainClasspath() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the entries for the main compilation classpath.
compileMainClasspath(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides entries for the main compilation classpath.
compileMainClasspath(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the entries for the main compilation classpath.
compileOptions() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the compilation options for the compiler.
compileOptions(CompileOptions) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the compilation options to pass to the Kotlin compiler.
CompileOptions - Class in rife.bld.extension.kotlin
Configuration for the Kotlin compiler options.
CompileOptions() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
CompilerPlugin - Enum Class in rife.bld.extension.kotlin
compileTestClasspath() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the entries for the test compilation classpath.
compileTestClasspath(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides entries for the test compilation classpath.
compileTestClasspath(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the entries for the test compilation classpath.
COMPOSE - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin


DENY - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions.NativeAccess


enableNativeAccess(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions
Modules that are permitted to perform restricted native operations.
enableNativeAccess(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions
Modules that are permitted to perform restricted native operations.
execute() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Performs the compile operation.
executeBuildMainSources() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Part of the execute operation, builds the main sources.
executeBuildSources(Collection<String>, Collection<File>, File, File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Part of the execute operation, build sources to a given destination.
executeBuildTestSources() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Part of the execute operation, builds the test sources.
executeCreateBuildDirectories() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Part of the execute operation, creates the build directories.
expression() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the string to evaluate as a Kotlin script.
expression(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Evaluate the given string as a Kotlin script.


findKotlincPath() - Static method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Locates the Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) executable.
findKotlincPath(boolean) - Static method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Locates the Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) executable.
fromProject(BaseProject) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Configures a compile operation from a BaseProject.


hasRelease() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether the jdkRelease was set.


illegalNativeAccess(JvmOptions.NativeAccess) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions
Controls what action the Java runtime takes when native access is not enabled for a module.
includeRuntime(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Include the Kotlin runtime into the resulting JAR file.
isIncludeRuntime() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether the CompileOptions.includeRuntime(boolean) was set.
isJavaParameters() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether CompileOptions.javaParameters(boolean) was set.
isLinux() - Static method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Determines if the operating system is Linux.
isMacOS() - Static method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Determines if the current operating system is macOS.
isNoJdk() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether noJdk was set.
isNoReflect() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether noRflect was set.
isNoStdLib() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether noStdLib +was set.
isNotBlank(String) - Static method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Determines if the given string is not blank.
isNoWarn() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether noWarn was set.
isProgressive() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether progressive was set.
isVerbose() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether CompileOptions.verbose(boolean) was set.
isWError() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether warnings are turned into a compilation error.
isWExtra() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Indicates whether additional declaration, expression, and type compiler checks emit warnings.
isWindows() - Static method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Determines if the current operating system is Windows.


jar - Variable in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
javaParameters(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Generate metadata for Java 1.8 reflection on method parameters.
jdkHome() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the custom JDK home directory.
jdkHome(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Use a custom JDK home directory to include into the classpath if it differs from the default JAVA_HOME.
jdkHome(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Use a custom JDK home directory to include into the classpath if it differs from the default JAVA_HOME.
jdkHome(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Use a custom JDK home directory to include into the classpath if it differs from the default JAVA_HOME.
jdkRelease() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Return the specified JDK API version.
jdkRelease(int) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Compile against the specified JDK API version.
jdkRelease(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Compile against the specified JDK API version.
jvmOptions() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the Java Virtual Machine options.
jvmOptions(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Pass an option directly to the Java Virtual Machine
jvmOptions(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Pass an option directly to the Java Virtual Machine
JvmOptions - Class in rife.bld.extension.kotlin
Java Virtual Machine options.
JvmOptions() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions
JvmOptions.NativeAccess - Enum Class in rife.bld.extension.kotlin
Illegal native access modes.
jvmTarget() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the target version of the generated JVM bytecode.
jvmTarget(int) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify the target version of the generated JVM bytecode.
jvmTarget(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify the target version of the generated JVM bytecode.


KOTLIN_IMPORTS_DUMPER - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
KOTLIN_SERIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
kotlinc() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the path to the Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) executable, if not in CompileKotlinOperation.kotlinHome().
kotlinc(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the path to the Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) executable, if not in CompileKotlinOperation.kotlinHome().
kotlinc(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the path to the Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) executable, if not in CompileKotlinOperation.kotlinHome().
kotlinc(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the path to the Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) executable, if not in CompileKotlinOperation.kotlinHome().
kotlinHome() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the Kotlin home directory.
kotlinHome() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the custom path of the Kotlin compiler.
kotlinHome(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the Kotlin home directory, if it differs from the default KOTLIN_HOME.
kotlinHome(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify a custom path to the Kotlin compiler used for the discovery of runtime libraries.
kotlinHome(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the Kotlin home directory, if it differs from the default KOTLIN_HOME.
kotlinHome(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify a custom path to the Kotlin compiler used for the discovery of runtime libraries.
kotlinHome(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the Kotlin home directory, if it differs from the default KOTLIN_HOME.
kotlinHome(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify a custom path to the Kotlin compiler used for the discovery of runtime libraries.
KOTLINX_SERIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin


languageVersion() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the language version.
languageVersion(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin.
LOMBOK - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin


mainSourceDirectories() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectories(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectories(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectories(Path...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectories(Collection<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectoriesPaths(Collection<Path>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceDirectoriesStrings(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main source directories that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the main files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides main source files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides main source files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles(Path...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides main source files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFiles(Collection<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main source files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFilesPaths(Collection<Path>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main source files that should be compiled.
mainSourceFilesStrings(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the main source files that should be compiled.
mode - Variable in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions.NativeAccess
moduleName() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the module name.
moduleName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Set a custom name for the generated .kotlin_module file.


NOARG - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
noJdk(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Don't automatically include the Java runtime into the classpath.
noReflect(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Don't automatically include the Kotlin reflection (kotlin-reflect.jar) into the classpath.
noStdLib(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Don't automatically include the Kotlin/JVM stdlib (kotlin-stdlib.jar) and Kotlin reflection (kotlin-reflect.jar) into the classpath.
noWarn(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Suppress the compiler from displaying warnings during compilation.


optIn() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the opt-in fully qualified names.
optIn(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Enable usages of API that requires opt-in with a requirement annotation with the given fully qualified name.
optIn(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Enable usages of API that requires opt-in with a requirement annotation with the given fully qualified name.
options() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves additional compiler options.
options(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify additional compiler options.
options(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Specify additional compiler options.


path() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the location to place generated class files into.
path(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Place the generated class files into the specified location.
path(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Place the generated class files into the specified location.
path(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Place the generated class files into the specified location.
plugin() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the plugin options.
plugin(String, String, String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Pass an option to a plugin.
plugins() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the compiler plugins.
plugins(File, CompilerPlugin...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides compiler plugins.
plugins(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides compiler plugins.
plugins(String, CompilerPlugin...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides compiler plugins.
plugins(Path, CompilerPlugin...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides compiler plugins.
plugins(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides compiler plugins.
plugins(CompilerPlugin...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides compiler plugins located in the CompileKotlinOperation.kotlinHome() lib directory.
POWER_ASSERT - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
progressive(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Allow using declarations only from the specified version of Kotlin bundled libraries.


rife.bld.extension - package rife.bld.extension
rife.bld.extension.kotlin - package rife.bld.extension.kotlin


SAM_WITH_RECEIVER - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
scriptTemplates() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Retrieves the script templates.
scriptTemplates(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Script definition template classes.
scriptTemplates(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Script definition template classes.


testSourceDirectories() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceDirectories(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceDirectories(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceDirectories(Path...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceDirectories(Collection<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceDirectoriesPaths(Collection<Path>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceDirectoriesStrings(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test source directories that should be compiled.
testSourceFiles() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the test files that should be compiled.
testSourceFiles(File...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides test source files that should be compiled.
testSourceFiles(String...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test sources files that should be compiled.
testSourceFiles(Path...) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test sources files that should be compiled.
testSourceFiles(Collection<File>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test source files that should be compiled.
testSourceFilesPaths(Collection<Path>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test source files that should be compiled.
testSourceFilesStrings(Collection<String>) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the test source files that should be compiled.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions.NativeAccess
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompilerPlugin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions.NativeAccess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verbose(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Enable verbose logging output which includes details of the compilation process.


WARN - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.JvmOptions.NativeAccess
wError(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Turn any warnings into a compilation error.
wExtra(boolean) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.kotlin.CompileOptions
Enable additional declaration, expression, and type compiler checks that emit warnings if true.
workDir() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Retrieves the working directory.
workDir(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the working directory, if it differs from the project's directory.
workDir(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the working directory, if it differs from the project's directory.
workDir(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.CompileKotlinOperation
Provides the working directory, if it differs from the project's directory.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form