All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- AbstractJReleaserDistributionModelOperation<S extends AbstractJReleaserDistributionModelOperation<S>> - Class in rife.bld.extension
Base class for JReleaser operations that rely on distributions.
- AbstractJReleaserDistributionModelOperation(String) - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserDistributionModelOperation
- AbstractJReleaserModelOperation<S extends AbstractJReleaserModelOperation<S>> - Class in rife.bld.extension
Base class for JReleaser operations that resolve a model.
- AbstractJReleaserModelOperation(String) - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
- AbstractJReleaserOperation<S extends AbstractJReleaserOperation<S>> - Class in rife.bld.extension
Base class for all JReleaser operations.
- AbstractJReleaserOperation(String) - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- AbstractJReleaserPackagerModelOperation<S extends AbstractJReleaserPackagerModelOperation<S>> - Class in rife.bld.extension
Base class for JReleaser operations that rely on packagers.
- AbstractJReleaserPackagerModelOperation(String) - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPackagerModelOperation
- AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation<S extends AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation<S>> - Class in rife.bld.extension
Base class for JReleaser operations that are platform aware.
- AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation(String) - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation
- announce() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserConfigOperation
Display announce configuration.
- announce() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Display announce configuration.
- announcer(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserAnnounceOperation
Includes the given announcer.
- announcer(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Includes the given announcer.
- announcer(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Includes the given announcer.
- assembler(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserAssembleOperation
Includes the given assembler.
- assemblerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Includes the given assembler by name.
- assemblerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Includes the given assembler by type.
- assembly() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserConfigOperation
Display assembly configuration.
- assembly() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Display assembly configuration.
- basedir(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Sets the base directory.
- basedir(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Sets the base directory.
- basedir(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Sets the base directory.
- cataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
Includes the given cataloger.
- cataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Includes the given cataloger.
- cataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Includes the given cataloger.
- cataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
Includes the given cataloger.
- changelog() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserConfigOperation
Display changelog configuration.
- changelog() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Display changelog configuration.
- configFile(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
Input configFile.
- configFile(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
Input configFile.
- configFile(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
Input configFile.
- debug() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Set log level to debug.
- deployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
Includes the given deployer by name.
- deployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDeployOperation
Includes the given deployer by name.
- deployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Includes the given deployer by name.
- deployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Includes the given deployer by name.
- deployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
Includes the given deployer by type.
- deployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDeployOperation
Includes the given deployer by type.
- deployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Includes the given deployer by type.
- deployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Includes the given deployer by type.
- distribution(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserDistributionModelOperation
Includes the given distribution.
- distribution(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Includes the given distribution.
- distributionByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Includes the given distribution by type.
- download() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserConfigOperation
Display download configuration.
- download() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Display download configuration.
- downloaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDownloadOperation
Includes the given downloader by name.
- downloaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDownloadOperation
Includes the given downloader by type.
- dryRun() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation
Enables dry-run mode.
- dryRun() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserChangelogOperation
Enables dry-run mode.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- excludeAnnouncer(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserAnnounceOperation
Excludes the given announcer.
- excludeAnnouncer(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Excludes the given announcer.
- excludeAssembler(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserAssembleOperation
Excludes the given assembler.
- excludeCataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
Excludes the given cataloger.
- excludeCataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Excludes the given cataloger.
- excludeCataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Excludes the given cataloger.
- excludeCataloger(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
Excludes the given cataloger.
- excludeDeployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
Excludes the given deployer by name.
- excludeDeployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDeployOperation
Excludes the given deployer by name.
- excludeDeployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Excludes the given deployer by name.
- excludeDeployerByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Excludes the given deployer by name.
- excludeDeployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
Excludes the given deployer by type.
- excludeDeployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDeployOperation
Excludes the given deployer by type.
- excludeDeployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Excludes the given deployer by type.
- excludeDeployerByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Excludes the given deployer by type.
- excludeDistribution(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserDistributionModelOperation
Excludes the given distribution.
- excludeDistribution(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Excludes the given distribution.
- excludeDownloaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDownloadOperation
Excludes the given downloader by name.
- excludeDownloaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDownloadOperation
Excludes the given downloader by type.
- excludePackager(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPackagerModelOperation
Excludes the given packager.
- excludePackager(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Excludes the given packager.
- excludeUploaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Excludes the given uploader by name.
- excludeUploaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Excludes the given uploader by name.
- excludeUploaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
Excludes the given uploader by name.
- excludeUploaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Excludes the given uploader by type.
- excludeUploaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Excludes the given uploader by type.
- excludeUploaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
Excludes the given uploader by type.
- execute() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- executeConstructProcessCommandList() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Part of the
operation, constructs the command list to use for building the process.
- format(JReleaserInitOperation.Format) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation
Sets the format.
- fromProject(BaseProject) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Configures the operation from a
. - full() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserConfigOperation
Display full configuration.
- getCommand() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- getFormat() - Method in enum class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation.Format
- getProject() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- gitRootSearch() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
Searches for a .git directory at the project's root directory.
- help() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Show the help message.
- info() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Set log level to info.
- inputDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Input directory.
- inputDirectory(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Input directory.
- inputDirectory(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Input directory.
- inputFile(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Input file.
- inputFile(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Input file.
- inputFile(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Input file.
- JReleaserAnnounceOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Announce a release.
- JReleaserAnnounceOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserAnnounceOperation
- JReleaserAssembleOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Assemble distributions.
- JReleaserAssembleOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserAssembleOperation
- JReleaserCatalogOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Catalog release assets.
- JReleaserCatalogOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserCatalogOperation
- JReleaserChangelogOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Generates a changelog.
- JReleaserChangelogOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserChangelogOperation
- JReleaserChecksumOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Calculate checksum files.
- JReleaserChecksumOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserChecksumOperation
- JReleaserConfigOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Create a JReleaser config file.
- JReleaserConfigOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserConfigOperation
- JReleaserDeployOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Deploy assets.
- JReleaserDeployOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDeployOperation
- JReleaserDownloadOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Download assets.
- JReleaserDownloadOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserDownloadOperation
- JReleaserEnvOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Displays environment settings.
- JReleaserEnvOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserEnvOperation
- JReleaserFullReleaseOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Perform a full release.
- JReleaserFullReleaseOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
- JReleaserInitOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Create a JReleaser config file.
- JReleaserInitOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation
- JReleaserInitOperation.Format - Enum Class in rife.bld.extension
The currently supported formats.
- JReleaserJsonSchemaOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Generates a JSON schema file.
- JReleaserJsonSchemaOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserJsonSchemaOperation
- JReleaserPackageOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Calculate checksum files.
- JReleaserPackageOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserPackageOperation
- JReleaserPrepareOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Calculate checksum files.
- JReleaserPrepareOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserPrepareOperation
- JReleaserPublishOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Calculate checksum files.
- JReleaserPublishOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserPublishOperation
- JReleaserReleaseOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Perform a release.
- JReleaserReleaseOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
- JReleaserSignOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Generate digital signatures.
- JReleaserSignOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserSignOperation
- JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Create a JReleaser config file.
- JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
- JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Calculate checksum files.
- JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
- JReleaserUploadOperation - Class in rife.bld.extension
Upload assets.
- JReleaserUploadOperation() - Constructor for class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation.Format
- outputDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Output directory.
- outputDirectory(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Output directory.
- outputDirectory(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Output directory.
- overwrite() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation
Overwrite existing files.
- overwrite() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Overwrite existing files.
- packager(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPackagerModelOperation
Includes the given packager.
- packager(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Includes the given packager.
- projectProperty(String, String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
Sets a project property.
- rejectPlatform(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation
Excludes artifact selection from the given platform.
- rife.bld.extension - package rife.bld.extension
- selectCurrentPlatform() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation
Limits artifact selection to the current platform.
- selectPlatform(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserPlatformAwareModelOperation
Limits artifact selection to the given platform.
- self() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- setOption(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- setOption(String, String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
- snapshot() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateGenerateOperation
Use snapshot templates.
- strict() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserModelOperation
Sets strict mode.
- systemProperty(String, String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Sets a System property.
- targetDirectory(File) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Target directory.
- targetDirectory(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Target directory.
- targetDirectory(Path) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserTemplateEvalOperation
Target directory.
- TOML - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation.Format
- uploaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Includes the given uploader by name.
- uploaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Includes the given uploader by name.
- uploaderByName(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
Includes the given uploader by name.
- uploaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserFullReleaseOperation
Includes the given uploader by type.
- uploaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserReleaseOperation
Includes the given uploader by type.
- uploaderByType(String) - Method in class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserUploadOperation
Includes the given uploader by type.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation.Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- version() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Print version information.
- warn() - Method in class rife.bld.extension.AbstractJReleaserOperation
Set log level to warn.
- YAML - Enum constant in enum class rife.bld.extension.JReleaserInitOperation.Format
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values