bld 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT

bld is a new build system that allows you to write your build logic in pure Java.

bld's website is

The GitHub project is at

The documentation is available at

Note that bld builds on top of the foundation that RIFE2 provides and includes the features of RIFE2/core.

Provides classes and interfaces for the build system.
Provides blueprints for project creation.
Provides functionalities to resolve and retrieve dependency artifacts.
Provides exception classes build system dependency handling.
Provides help texts for build commands.
Provides functionalities for bytecode instrumentation.
Provides operations for the build system.
Provides exception classes for the build system operations.
Provides classes and interfaces for the publishing operation.
Provides classes and interfaces for the build system wrapper.
Provides classes, interfaces and elements for the content management framework.
Provides classes and interfaces that are able to transform typed content data.
Provides classes for the configuration framework and for the configuration of RIFE2 itself.
Provides exception classes for the RIFE2 configuration.
Provides classes and interfaces for the object-oriented query builders, database abstraction layer, persistence manager, query handling templates, fault-tolerant JDBC wrappers and connection pooling.
Provides exception classes for the database framework.
Provides classes and interfaces for the object-oriented query builders.
Provides classes and interfaces for the persistence framework.
Provides exception classes for the generic query manager.
Performs the bytecode analysis and instrumentation for generic query manager functionalities, such as lazy-loading.
Provides classes for the conversion from Java to SQL values and vice-versa.
Provides general data structure classes.
Provides classes and interfaces for the web engine.
Provides classes and interfaces for form building.
The classes that are responsible for performing byte-code instrumentation through agents and transformers.
Common exceptions that are being used during the transformation of byte-code.
Provides interfaces and classes for IoC capable properties that resolve and obtain their values at run-time.
Provides exception classes for the inversion of control support.
Provides classes and interfaces for the resource abstraction framework.
Provides exception classes for the resource abstraction framework.
Provides classes and interfaces for generalized name selectors.
Provides classes and interfaces for the template engine.
Provides exception classes for the template engine.
Provides general purpose utility classes.
Provides exception classes for the general purpose utilities.
Provides classes and interfaces for validation and constraints.
Provides annotations for the metadata facility.
Provides exception classes for the validation framework.
Contains all the classes that perform byte-code analysis and transformations related to meta-data merging and constraints.
Provides classes for facilitating the SAX parsing of XML.
Provides exception classes for the XML parsing tools.